Make the Wawona Friends of the Library 2023 Book/Bake/Craft Sale A Huge Success! Bake Sale
Have the Wawona bakers of fine baked goods found their favorite recipe for their donation to the Friends of the Library Book/Bake/Craft Sale on Labor Day Saturday, September 2?
Baked goods will be accepted at the library Friday afternoon during library hours (Noon – 5p.m.) or any time after 8 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Wawona Crafters
Just a few ideas!
Fabric Art ~ Wood Carving ~ Yarn Art ~ Beadwork ~ Jewelry ~ Holiday Gifts ~ Cork Art Soap/Candles ~ Ceramics ~ Leatherwork ~ Woodcraft
Help make our craft sale a little bit better by donating one of your handmade projects to our fundraising efforts!
Craft items may be left at the library anytime before the sale or after 8 a.m. the day of the sale.
Book donations will be accepted at the library until August 25 to allow time for sorting.
Have the Wawona bakers of fine baked goods found their favorite recipe for their donation to the Friends of the Library Book/Bake/Craft Sale on Labor Day Saturday, September 2?
Baked goods will be accepted at the library Friday afternoon during library hours (Noon – 5p.m.) or any time after 8 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Wawona Crafters
Just a few ideas!
Fabric Art ~ Wood Carving ~ Yarn Art ~ Beadwork ~ Jewelry ~ Holiday Gifts ~ Cork Art Soap/Candles ~ Ceramics ~ Leatherwork ~ Woodcraft
Help make our craft sale a little bit better by donating one of your handmade projects to our fundraising efforts!
Craft items may be left at the library anytime before the sale or after 8 a.m. the day of the sale.
Book donations will be accepted at the library until August 25 to allow time for sorting.
New Wawona Listing
Guitar Concert at The Redwoods Events Center Aug 23
We are very excited to announce that national touring acoustic guitarist Michael Gulezian will be giving a concert at the Redwoods Events Center. To find out more about Michael and his incredible artistry please visit his website at
The concert will be at The Fireside Room at The Redwoods Events Center located on 8038 Chilnualna Falls Road, Wawona, CA 95389 on Wednesday, August 23rd.
Show starts at 7:00 PM.
We will suggest a donation of $25, which will go directly to the artist.
Please RSVP by calling Christian at 209-375-6269 or email [email protected].
We are very excited to announce that national touring acoustic guitarist Michael Gulezian will be giving a concert at the Redwoods Events Center. To find out more about Michael and his incredible artistry please visit his website at
The concert will be at The Fireside Room at The Redwoods Events Center located on 8038 Chilnualna Falls Road, Wawona, CA 95389 on Wednesday, August 23rd.
Show starts at 7:00 PM.
We will suggest a donation of $25, which will go directly to the artist.
Please RSVP by calling Christian at 209-375-6269 or email [email protected].
Tom Bopp's Book on George Monroe Now Available Online And In Yosemite
A meeting of WTPAC was held August 11, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. The County Clerk has implemented new meeting software which live streams meetings and this meeting was streamed. A video of the full meeting is available on the County’s WTPAC webpage and can be found here:
The County Clerk staffed the WTPAC meeting in order to inform and guide the WTPAC members on meeting rules, processes, and reporting requirements.
The agenda included a presentation by the Public Works staff on the garbage contract renewal and County initiation of a 218 process to update garbage and pine needle pick-up fees. The County is consolidating areas of the County and the terms of contracts to bid them together for efficiency and lower rates throughout the County. All County residents will pay the same rate. Wawona would pay a much higher rate than most of the County if it were bid separately. WTPAC received the report and recommended that the County’s 218 process move forward. There will be additional hearings under the 218 process which is a California statute that requires cost allocation nexus and governs formulas and processes for state and local agencies.
The current rate is lower for Wawona then the rest of the County. A WTPAC member asked that County Counsel respond to questions about ways to place a higher cost burden on short-rental owners. Staff agreed to report back.
Pine needle pick up history was also discussed and costs were presented. The rates will be adjusted quarterly based on actual expenses and revenues. Trash and pine needle pick up are being combined in the billings.
Ben Goger, Housing Development Specialist, provided WTPAC with the Short-Term Rentals and Housing presentation that was given to the community in the Wawona Library in June. (See prior summary of that presentation sent out by WAPPOA.) County Supervisors and staff have not received the report from Bay Area Economics, consultant, with research and analysis of the issues. The report will be received in a few months and no recommendations or directions on this topic were presented, with the exception that Supervisor Smallcombe and staff confirmed that areas will likely have individualized policies. The Board of Supervisors has not had an opportunity to fully consider the matter in Board Hearings.
The WTPAC is required to provide a report to the Board of Supervisors each April which provides the WTPAC accomplishments and goals and objectives for the year ahead. Supervisor Smallcombe afforded the Committee additional time this year; and, the report was finalized in real time during the meeting. It will be available soon. Objectives for the coming year were discussed. Top priorities of the coming year include: 1) NPS proposed changes to extinguish water and sewer rights provided in the MOU between the County and NPS that implements shared concurrent jurisdiction of Wawona. 2) County consideration of changes to vacation rental permits and policies; 3) adding new WTPAC members.
The WTPAC had adoption of Committee Bylaws on Agenda for approval; however, the Committee’s agenda package was missing a portion of a bylaw and so it must be acted on at the next WTPAC.
A meeting of WTPAC was held August 11, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. The County Clerk has implemented new meeting software which live streams meetings and this meeting was streamed. A video of the full meeting is available on the County’s WTPAC webpage and can be found here:
The County Clerk staffed the WTPAC meeting in order to inform and guide the WTPAC members on meeting rules, processes, and reporting requirements.
The agenda included a presentation by the Public Works staff on the garbage contract renewal and County initiation of a 218 process to update garbage and pine needle pick-up fees. The County is consolidating areas of the County and the terms of contracts to bid them together for efficiency and lower rates throughout the County. All County residents will pay the same rate. Wawona would pay a much higher rate than most of the County if it were bid separately. WTPAC received the report and recommended that the County’s 218 process move forward. There will be additional hearings under the 218 process which is a California statute that requires cost allocation nexus and governs formulas and processes for state and local agencies.
The current rate is lower for Wawona then the rest of the County. A WTPAC member asked that County Counsel respond to questions about ways to place a higher cost burden on short-rental owners. Staff agreed to report back.
Pine needle pick up history was also discussed and costs were presented. The rates will be adjusted quarterly based on actual expenses and revenues. Trash and pine needle pick up are being combined in the billings.
Ben Goger, Housing Development Specialist, provided WTPAC with the Short-Term Rentals and Housing presentation that was given to the community in the Wawona Library in June. (See prior summary of that presentation sent out by WAPPOA.) County Supervisors and staff have not received the report from Bay Area Economics, consultant, with research and analysis of the issues. The report will be received in a few months and no recommendations or directions on this topic were presented, with the exception that Supervisor Smallcombe and staff confirmed that areas will likely have individualized policies. The Board of Supervisors has not had an opportunity to fully consider the matter in Board Hearings.
The WTPAC is required to provide a report to the Board of Supervisors each April which provides the WTPAC accomplishments and goals and objectives for the year ahead. Supervisor Smallcombe afforded the Committee additional time this year; and, the report was finalized in real time during the meeting. It will be available soon. Objectives for the coming year were discussed. Top priorities of the coming year include: 1) NPS proposed changes to extinguish water and sewer rights provided in the MOU between the County and NPS that implements shared concurrent jurisdiction of Wawona. 2) County consideration of changes to vacation rental permits and policies; 3) adding new WTPAC members.
The WTPAC had adoption of Committee Bylaws on Agenda for approval; however, the Committee’s agenda package was missing a portion of a bylaw and so it must be acted on at the next WTPAC.
Congressional Hearing at Curry Village - Forest Management and Catastrophic Wildfires
Seven members of Congress, all Republicans, will be heading up a field hearing this Friday in Yosemite National Park.
The House Committee on Natural Resources has scheduled its first-ever outdoors hearing for 11 a.m. this Friday at the Curry Village amphitheater in Yosemite.
The chairman of the committee, Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) said, in a press release, the hearing will focus “on the real-world consequences of failed forest management policies and catastrophic wildfires.”
The official title of the hearing is “Conservation in a Crown Jewel: A Discussion about wildfires and forest management.”
According to a press release, also on the panel will be Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., who is chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus.
Also listed to represent the committee is Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.), Rep. Jim Baird (R-Ind.), Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.), Rep. Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho) and Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
McClintock represents Yosemite National Park and Mariposa County and has been outspoken for years about what he calls failed management of forests.
It remained unclear at press time how many witnesses would be testifying before the group. The press release said it will feature “local, tribal and state witnesses who have seen the impacts of catastrophic wildfires firsthand.”
The hearing is open to the public.
Rebekah Hoshiko, communications director of the committee, said all members of the large committee were invited to attend.
However, she added that “given the remote nature of the hearing and the many demands on members’ time, we’ll only have a portion of the full committee attending.”
She called that “very standard” for field hearings “we hold in various parts of the country,” which she said are “always open to full member participation.” She said all members don’t always attend the meetings in Washington.
Hoshiko also called this hearing “unique” because it’s part of the Western Caucus’s annual programming. That, she said, means “several non-committee” members will be participating in the hearing, including “some from California.”
She did not specify who from California might be present nor the others who might be part of the meeting .
The committee is comprised of more than 40 members and is considered a powerful congressional group that deals with a wide variety of issues related to natural resources.
Republican members of the committee are:
Bruce Westerman, Arkansas, Chair
Doug Lamborn, Colorado, Vice Chair
Rob Wittman, Virginia
Tom McClintock, California
Paul Gosar, Arizona
Garret Graves, Louisiana
Amata Coleman Radewagen, American Samoa
Daniel Webster, Florida
Jenniffer González, Puerto Rico
Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Pete Stauber, Minnesota
John Curtis, Utah
Tom Tiffany, Wisconsin
Jerry Carl, Alabama
Matt Rosendale, Montana
Lauren Boebert, Colorado
Cliff Bentz, Oregon
Jen Kiggans, Virginia
James Moylan, Guam
Wesley Hunt, Texas
Mike Collins, Georgia
Anna Paulina Luna, Florida
John Duarte, California
Harriet Hageman, Wyoming
Democrat members of the committee are:
Raúl Grijalva, Arizona, Ranking Member
Grace Napolitano, California
Gregorio Sablan, Northern Mariana Islands
Jared Huffman, California
Ruben Gallego, Arizona
Joe Neguse, Colorado
Mike Levin, California
Katie Porter, California
Teresa Leger Fernandez, New Mexico
Melanie Stansbury, New Mexico
Mary Peltola, Alaska
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York
Kevin Mullin, California
Val Hoyle, Oregon
Sydney Kamlager-Dove, California, Vice Ranking
Seth Magaziner, Rhode Island
Nydia Velázquez, New York
Ed Case, Hawaii
Debbie Dingell, Michigan
Susie Lee, Nevada
Seven members of Congress, all Republicans, will be heading up a field hearing this Friday in Yosemite National Park.
The House Committee on Natural Resources has scheduled its first-ever outdoors hearing for 11 a.m. this Friday at the Curry Village amphitheater in Yosemite.
The chairman of the committee, Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) said, in a press release, the hearing will focus “on the real-world consequences of failed forest management policies and catastrophic wildfires.”
The official title of the hearing is “Conservation in a Crown Jewel: A Discussion about wildfires and forest management.”
According to a press release, also on the panel will be Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Wash., who is chairman of the Congressional Western Caucus.
Also listed to represent the committee is Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-Wis.), Rep. Jim Baird (R-Ind.), Rep. John Duarte (R-Calif.), Rep. Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho) and Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
McClintock represents Yosemite National Park and Mariposa County and has been outspoken for years about what he calls failed management of forests.
It remained unclear at press time how many witnesses would be testifying before the group. The press release said it will feature “local, tribal and state witnesses who have seen the impacts of catastrophic wildfires firsthand.”
The hearing is open to the public.
Rebekah Hoshiko, communications director of the committee, said all members of the large committee were invited to attend.
However, she added that “given the remote nature of the hearing and the many demands on members’ time, we’ll only have a portion of the full committee attending.”
She called that “very standard” for field hearings “we hold in various parts of the country,” which she said are “always open to full member participation.” She said all members don’t always attend the meetings in Washington.
Hoshiko also called this hearing “unique” because it’s part of the Western Caucus’s annual programming. That, she said, means “several non-committee” members will be participating in the hearing, including “some from California.”
She did not specify who from California might be present nor the others who might be part of the meeting .
The committee is comprised of more than 40 members and is considered a powerful congressional group that deals with a wide variety of issues related to natural resources.
Republican members of the committee are:
Bruce Westerman, Arkansas, Chair
Doug Lamborn, Colorado, Vice Chair
Rob Wittman, Virginia
Tom McClintock, California
Paul Gosar, Arizona
Garret Graves, Louisiana
Amata Coleman Radewagen, American Samoa
Daniel Webster, Florida
Jenniffer González, Puerto Rico
Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Pete Stauber, Minnesota
John Curtis, Utah
Tom Tiffany, Wisconsin
Jerry Carl, Alabama
Matt Rosendale, Montana
Lauren Boebert, Colorado
Cliff Bentz, Oregon
Jen Kiggans, Virginia
James Moylan, Guam
Wesley Hunt, Texas
Mike Collins, Georgia
Anna Paulina Luna, Florida
John Duarte, California
Harriet Hageman, Wyoming
Democrat members of the committee are:
Raúl Grijalva, Arizona, Ranking Member
Grace Napolitano, California
Gregorio Sablan, Northern Mariana Islands
Jared Huffman, California
Ruben Gallego, Arizona
Joe Neguse, Colorado
Mike Levin, California
Katie Porter, California
Teresa Leger Fernandez, New Mexico
Melanie Stansbury, New Mexico
Mary Peltola, Alaska
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, New York
Kevin Mullin, California
Val Hoyle, Oregon
Sydney Kamlager-Dove, California, Vice Ranking
Seth Magaziner, Rhode Island
Nydia Velázquez, New York
Ed Case, Hawaii
Debbie Dingell, Michigan
Susie Lee, Nevada
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
5:30 P.M.
Wawona Elementary School
7925 Chilnualna Falls Road
Wawona, CA
3.1- Approval of Agenda
3.2– Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of June 27.
3.3 - Approve Warrants/Payroll
3.4 – Accept Donations to YWECS
Board of Directors Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
5:30 P.M.
Wawona Elementary School
7925 Chilnualna Falls Road
Wawona, CA
3.1- Approval of Agenda
3.2– Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting of June 27.
3.3 - Approve Warrants/Payroll
3.4 – Accept Donations to YWECS
Larry Duke Posters For Sale At The Library
Wawona Friends of the Library is offering these posters by former Wawona resident and renowned illustrator, Larry Duke, as a fundraising effort. Posters are unframed and $25 each. (Great Christmas presents). Stop by the library during business hours to snag one for yourself or as a gift! Or call Pat Sischo (209) 375-6263 to make an appointment to pick up your poster(s) or have them mailed. Cash or check (checks preferred), not able to accept card payments.
(click on images to expand)
Wawona Friends of the Library is offering these posters by former Wawona resident and renowned illustrator, Larry Duke, as a fundraising effort. Posters are unframed and $25 each. (Great Christmas presents). Stop by the library during business hours to snag one for yourself or as a gift! Or call Pat Sischo (209) 375-6263 to make an appointment to pick up your poster(s) or have them mailed. Cash or check (checks preferred), not able to accept card payments.
(click on images to expand)